Technology and Individuality

By Joshua

Technology takes away from our individuality. Technology limits out ability to think for ourselves by forming our opinions for us. For example social medial will develop trends and people feel they have to follow those trends to be accepted in society. Technology limits our creativity by making things black and white right or wrong but not allowing room to develop your own ideas of the situation.

We also get so caught up in social media that it takes our time away from developing our own individual talents such as drawing writing or other creative activities. We get drawn into other people’s drama or so called world problems that they become our problems and we lose ourselves and who we are. “Our individual characteristics and traits are what initiates change and drives society; thus, in a world in which individuality didn’t exist, modern society as we know it would most likely fall to pieces.” This quote nicely sums up what would happen if there was no individuality, and technology is leading us to that. Though, “The other possibility for recognition – the non-alienating possibility – takes place in a real community through genuine acts of self-creation. The recognition of the other as other, as the individual that they are/create.” If we could do that than society won’t collapse like the first quote says.

The Librarian’s Guide to Intersecting Tech Trends says “Two-thirds of American adults own a smart phone and that number jumps even higher for young adults (Pew Research Center).” This shows that technology rules our world and we all feel pressured to fit in with modern society and getting a smart phone ourselves, or some kind of cellular device. “In today’s society, we have every convenience at our fingertips: computers, cell phones, and tablets all interact to make our lives easier” the article Individuality vs. Fitting-In says.

“…while on the one hand technology is freeing and allows us not to have to labour to do basic things and meet basic needs, it also reduces our individuality, hence our freedom and control over our own lives.” Another article says, “No one should part with their individuality and become that of another”. These are all examples of how technology plays a major role in our lives and takes away from our individuality.


Individuality vs. Fitting-In, Caitlin296, Round Rock, TX

Technology and Individuality, April 3, 2014 by Adam Arnold

The end of the information frontier, A. Mowshowitz


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